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Your privacy while using Warp

At Warp, we’re building a completely new way to use the command line. This new way entails cloud-based features and opportunities for team collaboration.
Because Warp works differently from classic terminal tools, we would like to share how we protect your privacy as you’re using the app.
Warp’s app telemetry is optional and you can opt out at any time.
You can disable analytics and crash reporting during your sign up process before using Warp. If you’re already using Warp, you can disable telemetry under Settings > Privacy.
Warp never collects your input or output data.
Your terminal is a sensitive environment. Warp’s telemetry never includes keystrokes or data from the console. You can use the network log tool to inspect all payloads.
Warp never sells your data to third parties.
If you decide to use Warp — on a free or paid plan — that stays between you and us. We do not monetize user data or exchange it with partners.

Our philosophy is complete transparency and control of any data leaving your machine.

This page outlines details you need to know in human-readable language.  A more formal "legalese" version of Warp's privacy policy is available to view here.

How Warp Works

Warp is a fully-native local application that can run without an internet connection. The core features of the terminal will always work offline.

Cloud-based Features (Opt-in)

Warp also includes cloud-based features that power cool things like:

  • Warp AI
  • Warp Drive
  • Block sharing

None of your data is ever sent to Warp’s servers unless you explicitly take action to send it. If you choose to use Warp Drive or block sharing and save an item, that item will be sent to Warp’s servers and stored securely in Warp’s database. Data is encrypted at rest, and you can delete this data anytime.

Warp AI

Warp AI includes both AI Command Search and the chat-based experience powered by OpenAI APIs. For chat-based experiences, Warp does not store any of this info and only passes it through our servers when we proxy requests to OpenAI.

We have not opted in to allow OpenAI to train their models on this data. OpenAI stores this data for a maximum of 30 days. You can read more about OpenAI’s API data policies on their website. You can also open Warp’s network log to review all data sent and received.

Telemetry (Opt-out)

Warp records a limited number of defined telemetry events for the purposes of:

  • Reporting app crashes
  • Understanding feature usage at a high-level
  • Supporting customers

Terminal input and output are never included in telemetry payloads.

You can review an exhaustive list of all telemetry events in Warp’s documentation.

You can also use the Network Log to monitor all communications from the Warp client to external servers.

Telemetry events and crash reports are enabled by default and associated with logged-in users. If you would like to opt out of telemetry and crash reports, you can disable the feature during sign up or under Settings > Privacy in the Warp app.

Login (Required)

Unlike classic terminals, Warp requires you to sign up and log in to use the app. This is more in line with what we might expect from cloud-based apps like Figma or GitHub.

Your unique Warp login:

  • Ensures your personal workflows are available any time you use Warp, on any machine
  • Makes it possible to collaborate, sharing workflows or blocks with teammates
  • Makes it easier for Warp to provide support, should you ever have an issue specific to your account

In the future, identity will allow you to sync your personalized configurations from device-to-device.

We understand that logging in is a big ask. It’s our goal to make your experience with Warp so exceptional that the login feels like a benefit instead of a hindrance. Learn more about Warp's position on login on our blog.

Warp’s Business Model

Warp’s business plan is built around billing power users and business teams for cloud-based features. Check out our pricing page to learn more.

Please note Warp’s business model is not about collecting or monetizing any of your data.

Open Source

Several of Warp’s extension points, like themes and workflows, are open-sourced today. We would love it if you checked out the Github repos and contributed to our growing community!

In the future, we plan to open-source the Rust client code and related projects, like our UI framework. Among other benefits to the community, open-sourcing will enable folks to audit our code for privacy and security bugs. Learn more about Warp's position on open source on our blog.

Contact Warp's Privacy Team

For more information about Warp's privacy policies, please download the complete policy (PDF) or contact us at: