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Format Command Output In Linux

Emmanuel Oyibo

Published: 6/7/2024

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The short answer

In Unix-like operating systems such as Linux and macOS, you can scan patterns and process the output of commands using the awk command as follows:

$ <command> | awk '/<pattern>/ {<action>}'

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  • <command> is the command whose output you want to process or filter.
  • <pattern> is a text string or a regex pattern used to filter the output of the specified command.
  • <action> is the action to perform on the lines matching the specified pattern.

Alternatively, you can also pass one or more file paths as arguments:

$ awk '/<pattern>/ {<action>}' <file ...>

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For example, the following command will print to the standard output all the lines of the server.log file containing the error string:

$ cat server.log | awk '/error/ {print}'

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And the following command will print to the standard output all the lines of the server.log file starting with the 2024-05 string:

$ awk '/^2024-05/ {print}' server.log

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Splitting the output into columns

By default, the awk command splits every line of its input into multiple columns, using the space character as a delimiter.

To print one or more specific columns instead of the entire line, you can use the following syntax:

$ <command> | awk '{print $<column>[,$<column>]}'

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  • $<column>[,$<column>] is a list of comma-separated column numbers prefixed with a dollar sign ($).

For example, this command will only print the first column of the output generated by the ps command:

$ ps | awk '{print $1}'

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And this command will print the first and fourth columns of the output generated by the ps command:

$ ps | awk '{print $1,$4}'
46686 npm
46697 node
19849 awk
5274 bash

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Note that you can quickly reference the last column using the pre-defined $NF variable as follows:

$ <command> | awk '{print $NF}'

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Using custom delimiters

To split the output of commands into columns based a specific delimiter instead of the default space character, you can use the -F flag as follows:

$ <command> | awk -F '<delimiter>' '{<action>}'

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Alternatively, you can specify multiple delimiters at once by encapsulating them in square brackets as follows:

$ <command> | awk -F '[<delimiter>...]' '{<action>}'

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For example, considering the following data.csv file:

Sarah,32,New York

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The following command will use the , character to split each line of the data.csv file into separate columns and only output the third column:

$ cat data.csv | awk -F ',' '{print $3}'
New York

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Summing up and counting columns

Counting the occurrences of a pattern

To count the occurrences of a specified pattern with awk, you can increment a variable using the ++ operator as follows:

$ awk '/pattern/ { <variable>++ } END { print <variable> }' <file ...>

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For example, considering the following server.log file:

ERROR | User authentication failed
INFO | Backup completed successfully
ERROR | User authentication failed
WARNING | High memory usage
INFO | Data export completed

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This command will increment the count variable every time the "ERROR" string is found in the server.log file:

$ awk '/ERROR/ { count++ } END { print count }' server.log

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Summing up the data of columns

To add up the values of a column and print their sum with awk, you can use the following syntax:

$ <command> | awk '{<variable> += $<column>} END {print <variable>}'

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  • <variable> is the name of the variable the sum of the specified column will be accumulated in.
  • <column> is the column number to add up.
  • END is used to specify a command to execute once all the lines are processed.

For example, considering the following data.csv file:


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This command will print the sum of the values of the second column:

$ cat data.csv | tail -n +2 | awk -F ',' '{sum += $2} END {print sum}'

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  • cat data.csv is used to output the file's content.
  • tail -n +2 is used to remove the first line of the output.
  • awk -F ',' is used to split each line of the output into columns using , as a separator.
  • {sum += $2} is used to add the value of the second column to the sum variable.
  • END {print sum} is used to print the sum variable.

Manipulating text

Extracting a substring

To extract a substring from a line with awk, you can combine the print and substr functions as follows:

$ <command> | awk '{print substr($<column>, <start>, <length>)}'

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  • <column> is the column number of the string you want to extract a substring from. Note that the full input string can be accessed through the column number 0.
  • <start> is a number representing the starting position within the specified string.
  • <length> is a number representing the length of the substring.

For example, this command will take as input the entire "Hello World" string and print 5 characters starting at position 7:

$ echo "Hello World" | awk '{print substr($0, 7, 5)}'

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And this command will take as input the second column and print 5 characters starting at position 0:

$ echo "Hello World" | awk '{print substr($2, 0, 5)}'

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Replacing the occurrences of a string or pattern

To replace all the occurrences of a string or pattern with awk, you can use the gsub function as follows:

$ <command> | awk '{gsub(<pattern>, <string>, <column>); print}'

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  • <pattern> is the string or pattern you want to replace.
  • <string> is the string you want to replace the matched pattern with.

For example, this command will replace all the occurrences of the letter l with x:

$ echo "Hello World" | awk '{gsub("l", "x", $0); print}'
Hexxo Worxd

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Easily retrieve this command using the Warp’s AI Command Suggestions

If you’re using Warp as your terminal, you can easily retrieve this command using the Warp AI Command Suggestions feature:

Thumbnail for Thumbnail for Thumbnail for Thumbnail for

Entering awk replace all occurrences into the AI Command Suggestions will prompt a awk command that can then be quickly inserted into your shell by doing CMD+ENTER.

Conditional statements

To execute an action based on the evaluation of a condition with awk, you can use the following syntax:

$ <command> | awk '{if (<condition>) {<action>} else if (<condition>) {<action>} else {<action>}}'

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For example, let's consider the following students.txt file:

Alice 45
Bob 30
Charlie 25

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This command will check if the value of the second column is greater or equal to 40 and print the first column with “Passed” if true, or “Failed” otherwise:

$ cat students.txt | awk '{if ($2 >= 40) { print $1, "Passed" } else { print $1, "Failed" }}'
Alice Passed
Bob Failed
Charlie Failed

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Written by

Emmanuel Oyibo

Filed Under

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