New Agent Mode in Warp AI is available today
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Your terminal, reimagined

Core terminal features that work offline. Innovative tools for productivity and collaboration.
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Appearance & customization

Custom prompt
Build a custom prompt with context chips or bring in your PS1 for themes like Powerlevel10k or Starship
Custom themes
Select from a theme library, code your own, or use the GUI to create a theme with a color palette from a background image
Input position
Pin your command line to the top or bottom of your terminal window
Transparent background
Make your Warp windows transparent with opacity controls

Modern text editing

IDE-like editing
Use your mouse and cursor on the command line
Input and output grouped together for easy navigation, sharing, and filtering
Edit with Vim keybindings
Navigate and insert text with vi-style keybindings
Hit TAB to navigate through smart completions with built-in specs for hundreds of common commands from popular libraries
Command corrections
Catch typos or missing parameters with auto-correct suggestions you can review and accept

Warp AI

AI Command Suggestions
Look up commands using natural language instead of going to Google or Stack Overflow
Agent Mode
Delegate tasks and walk through multi-step workflows using commands and natural language
AI autofill in Warp Drive
Let Warp AI automatically name and describe Workflows as you create them

Warp Drive

Save parameterized commands for reuse
Create interactive runbooks that live in your terminal
Personal Drive
Keep your personal notebooks and workflows in a cloud-based library next to your command line

Collaboration for teams

Team Drive
Create a shared Warp Drive to collaborate on notebooks and workflows with your team
Session Sharing (Beta)
Share sessions and command line controls
Block Sharing
Create a permalink for any block of terminal input and output to share with your team


Command Palette
Quickly search across the Warp app for commands, keyboard shortcuts, navigation, settings, and toggles
Command Search
Search across your command history and Warp Drive contents for fast command line input
Rich History
Review exit codes, directory details, related branches, and last run timestamps for recent commands and workflows
Markdown Viewer
Open Markdown files in Warp and run any embedded commands directly from the view pane
Launch Configurations
Save any combination of windows, panes, and commands to re-open as a preconfigured session in the future

Terminal basics

Backwards compatible
Works with zsh / bash / fish
Platform support

Privacy & security

Secret Redaction
Obscure characters in API keys as you’re working or sharing terminal content
Integrate with your company’s approved authentication provider
Private by default
Warp’s “hands off” approach to telemetry means Warp never gathers input or output from the command line
Disable telemetry
Choose to disable analytics and crash reporting for the higher-level feature metrics Warp monitors for product quality
No AI training
Your data is never used to train OpenAI's models, even on the Free or Team plans
Zero data retention policy for OpenAI
In addition to your data never being used to train OpenAI's models, your data is never retained by OpenAI in any fashion when you use Warp AI

Integrations & extensions

Launch Warp from…
Raycast, Alfred
Open your favorite code editor
VSCode, Zed, Cursor, or your computer’s default

An enterprise-ready app that’s a joy to use

Ash Allen

I don't think you'll regret it one bit. @warpdotdev is really cool and I've completely switched to using it now

Chau Tran
Engineer @nrwl_io

@warpdotdev editor is a game changer for my terminal workflow. I love how I can navigate the terminal editor just like a code editor with all the Move/Move-Select keymap. Great job!

Srijan Paul

@warpdotdev is early access and yet absolutely mindblowing!Became my new favorite terminal overnight.Best features from all the different shells I've used and a modern look UI + keybindings. Could not have asked for more.

Nat Friedman
CEO @ Github

Finally, innovation in terminals! @warpdotdev

Katerina Skroumpelou

Every day I love @warpdotdev more. The autocompletion, the fzf of my past commands, the blocks of command outputs. It's just so efficient!

Aman Virk
Building @adonisframework

Giving @warpdotdev a try. It is blazing fast and indeed feels like a modern terminal.

Jon Meyers
Developer Advocate @supabase

Just started using @warpdotdev as my main terminal!🎉

It is just so good!💯

I don't know why I just accepted that one of the main tools I use every day as a developer was so bad!!

Ben Holmes

Just saying, I heckin love @warpdotdev

🚀Stupid fast boot times View history with arrow keys (no mindless ⬆️⬆️⬆️...)

✂️ Each command is a block for easy scrolling, error highlighting, and copy / past-ability

💻 Intellisense for npm and git

Kevin | kevcode.sol

holy @warpdotdev is the best terminal I've ever used

✦ bleachedsleet.eth ✦

2/ @warpdotdev A new terminal developed in Rust, I instantly fell in love when I tried it. There's just no going back from the incredible navigation workflows you can achieve with this tool. If the terminal had been invented today, this what we would get. Bravo!

Asbjørn B

@warpdotdev is really the terminal i've been missing, since my switch to OSX!

Kudos to everyone involved, for an awesome terminal!

Sylvain (:seel-vahn)

Just received my invite to @warpdotdev and I already love the developer experience and the speed of that terminal. A breath of fresh air for me and my MacBook 2015!👇

Mr. Ninja

just got my invite for @warpdotdev and holy crap it has been worth the wait. What an incredible product! thank you for letting me in.


Just started using @warpdotdev's terminal... so far it's been a way better experience than using iTerm2


I got beta access to @warpdotdev.

I have to say that I'm really impressed with it.

Despite the beauty, it's super fast, and the out-of-box auto-suggestion is delightful to use.

Pleasant experience. Well done, peps!

Nat Friedman
CEO @ Github

Finally, innovation in terminals! @warpdotdev

Katerina Skroumpelou

Every day I love @warpdotdev more. The autocompletion, the fzf of my past commands, the blocks of command outputs. It's just so efficient!

Aman Virk
Building @adonisframework

Giving @warpdotdev a try. It is blazing fast and indeed feels like a modern terminal.

Jon Meyers
Developer Advocate @supabase

Just started using @warpdotdev as my main terminal!🎉

It is just so good!💯

I don't know why I just accepted that one of the main tools I use every day as a developer was so bad!!

Private by default
Input and output is never captured. Cloud features are opt-in only. App analytics and crash reports are completely optional.
Secure by design
Your account-level data is encrypted at rest and in transit, and safely stored on Google Cloud servers.