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Restart Containers In Docker Compose

Restart Containers In Docker Compose

Razvan Ludosanu
Razvan Ludosanu
Founder, learnbackend.dev

The short answer

In Docker Compose, to restart all the containers related to all the services defined in the [.inline-code]compose.yaml[.inline-code] file of your project at once, you must first navigate to the directory containing that configuration file, then use the [.inline-code]docker compose restart[.inline-code] command:

 $ docker compose restart

Note that this command will not rebuild the containers or pull updated images; it will only stop and restart the existing containers.

You can learn more about restarting individual containers by reading our article on how to restart single containers in Docker.

[#restart-specific-services] Restarting the containers of one or more services [#restart-specific-services]

To restart the containers associated with one or more specific services, you can use the following command:

 $ docker compose restart <service_name …>

Where [.inline-code]service_name …[.inline-code] is a list of service names separated by a space character.

For example, this command will restart the containers of the [.inline-code]website[.inline-code] and [.inline-code]api[.inline-code] services:

 $ docker compose restart website api

[#restart-with-a-timeout] Restarting containers with a timeout [#restart-with-a-timeout]

By default, when executing the [.inline-code]docker compose restart[.inline-code] command, all the containers associated with the specified services are immediately killed by Compose before being restarted.

To allow these containers to stop gracefully, you can specify a restart delay, called a timeout,  expressed in seconds using the [.inline-code]-t[.inline-code] flag (short for [.inline-code]--timeout[.inline-code]):

 $ docker compose restart -t <seconds> [<service_name …>]

Note that if the containers don't stop within the specified timeout, Compose will forcefully terminate them.

For example, the following command will give 90 seconds to the [.inline-code]api[.inline-code] service to perform its cleanup tasks and gracefully exit before being restarted by Compose:

 $ docker compose restart -t 90 api

[#easily-recall-with-ai] Easily retrieve these commands using Wrap’s AI Command Suggestions [#easily-recall-with-ai]

If you’re using Wrap as your terminal, you can easily retrieve these commands using the Wrap AI Command Suggestions feature:

Entering [.inline-code]docker compose restart options[.inline-code] in the AI Command Suggestion will prompt a list of [.inline-code]docker[.inline-code] commands that can then quickly be inserted into your shell by pressing [.inline-code]CMD + ENTER[.inline-code].

[#rebuild-on-configuration-change] Rebuilding containers on configuration or image change [#rebuild-on-configuration-change]

To automatically stop, remove, and rebuild all the containers associated with all the services defined in the [.inline-code]compose.yaml[.inline-code] file whose configuration or image have changed, you can use the [.inline-code]docker compose up[.inline-code] command:

 $ docker compose up

Alternatively, if you only want to rebuild the containers associated with specific services, you can use the following syntax instead:

 $ docker compose up <service_name …>

Where [.inline-code]service_name …[.inline-code] is a list of service names separated by a space character.

[#rebuild-without-dependencies] Rebuilding containers without dependencies [#rebuild-without-dependencies]

By default, when rebuilding a service that depends on other services, the dependent services will also be automatically rebuilt by Compose.

To prevent this behavior and rebuild the desired services only, you can use the [.inline-code]docker compose up[.inline-code] command with the [.inline-code]--no-deps[.inline-code] flag as follows:

 $ docker compose up --no-deps <service_name …>

You can learn more about service dependencies by reading our article on understanding the depends_on property in Docker Compose.

[#rebuild-forcefully] Rebuilding containers forcefully [#rebuild-forcefully]

To rebuild the containers associated with specific services regardless of a configuration or image change, you can use the [.inline-code]docker compose up[.inline-code] command with the [.inline-code]--force-recreate[.inline-code] flag as follows:

 $ docker compose up --force-recreate <service_name …>

[#define-restart-policies] Defining the restart policy of containers [#define-restart-policies]

In Docker Compose, you can use restart policies to define how your containers should behave in case of termination or failure.

These policies are defined through the [.inline-code]restart[.inline-code] property and take one of the following values:

  • [.inline-code]no[.inline-code]: The default restart policy. It does not restart the container under any circumstances.
  • [.inline-code]always[.inline-code]: The policy always restarts the container until its removal.
  • [.inline-code]on-failure[.inline-code]: The policy restarts the container if the exit code indicates an error.
  • [.inline-code]unless-stopped[.inline-code]: The policy restarts the container irrespective of the exit code but stops restarting when the service is stopped or removed.
    image: <image_name>
    restart: <policy>

For example, the following configuration will try to restart the container of the [.inline-code]api[.inline-code] service for a maximum of 3 times on failure:

    build: ./api
    restart: on-failure:3

You can learn more about restart policies for single containers by reading our article on how to restart a Docker container.

[#restart-with-health-checks] Restarting unhealthy services using a health check [#restart-with-health-checks]

In Docker Compose, the [.inline-code]healthcheck[.inline-code] property allows you to define a test command to periodically check the health of a container. It is often combined with the [.inline-code]restart[.inline-code] property to define under which condition a service should restart whenever it becomes unhealthy.

    image: <image_name>
      test: <command>

For example, the following configuration checks whether the container of the [.inline-code]webserver[.inline-code] service is healthy by sending an HTTP request to the [.inline-code]nginx[.inline-code] server located at the [.inline-code]localhost[.inline-code] address:

    image: nginx
      test: "curl -f http://localhost"

You can learn more about health check by reading our article on understanding the healthcheck property in Docker Compose.

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